
  • The law states that a company must put the "Net Weight" of their product on the package. However, the company is free to use the same size box that previously held a pound of material but now only holds 12 ounces.

  • A political entity may pass a law which exempts a particular company from following a certain set of standards that their competitors must follow. That action may allow a company to increase the amount of pollution around their factory.

  • A health insurance company delays payment by stating a particular procedure is experimental even though the industry states it’s not.

  • Words can deceive the public, for example: Natural, doesn’t mean organic and “Free Range” doesn’t actually mean that the poultry ran around in open areas.

  • Since supplements are unregulated, a manufacturer doesn’t have to state the dangers of their use or for that matter tell the truth.

  • In order to deceive the public, a company can disguise a package with false bottoms or a larger package then is necessary.

  • The cover of a package may not show what's inside, for example, Blueberry Pancakes shown on a package that does not contain any Blueberries in the pancakes.